
Read Concern - Write Concern - Read Preference - What does it mean?

Transactions and Read Preference

Operations in a transaction use the transaction-level read preference.
Using the drivers, you can set the transaction-level read preference at the transaction start:
  • If the transaction-level read preference is unset, the transaction uses the session-level read preference.
  • If transaction-level and the session-level read preference are unset, the transaction uses the client-level read preference. By default, the client-level read preference is primary.
Multi-document transactions that contain read operations must use read preference primary. All operations in a given transaction must route to the same member.
Operations in a transaction use the transaction-level read concern. That is, any read concern set at the collection and database level is ignored inside the transaction.
You can set the transaction-level read concern at the transaction start.
  • If the transaction-level read concern is unset, the transaction-level read concern defaults to the session-level read concern.
Transactions support the following read concern levels:


  • Read concern "local" returns the most recent data available from the node but can be rolled back.
  • For transactions on sharded cluster, "local" read concern cannot guarantee that the data is from the same snapshot view across the shards. If snapshot isolation is required, use "snapshot" read concern.


  • Read concern "majority" returns data that has been acknowledged by a majority of the replica set members (i.e. data cannot be rolled back) if the transaction commits with write concern “majority”.
  • For transactions on sharded cluster, "majority" read concern cannot guarantee that the data is from the same snapshot view across the shards. If snapshot isolation is required, use "snapshot" read concern.


  • If the transaction does not use write concern “majority” for the commit, the "snapshot" read concern provides no guarantee that read operations used a snapshot of majority-committed data.
  • For transactions on sharded clusters, the "snapshot" view of the data is synchronized across shards.

Transactions and Write Concern

Transactions use the transaction-level write concern to commit the write operations. Write operations inside transactions must be issued without explicit write concern specification and use the default write concern. At commit time, the writes are then commited using the transaction-level write concern.
TIP Do not explicitly set the write concern for the individual write operations inside a transaction. Setting write concerns for the individual write operations inside a transaction results in an error.
You can set the transaction-level write concern at the transaction start:
  • If the transaction-level write concern is unset, the transaction-level write concern defaults to the session-level write concern for the commit.
  • If the transaction-level write concern and the session-level write concern are unset, transaction-level write concern defaults to the client-level write concern. By default, client-level write concern is w: 1. See also Default MongoDB Read Concerns/Write Concerns.
Transactions support all write concern w values, including:

w: 1

  • When you commit with w: 1 write concern, transaction-level "majority" read concern provides no guarantees that read operations in the transaction read majority-committed data.
  • When you commit with w: 1 write concern, transaction-level "snapshot" read concern provides no guarantee that read operations in the transaction used a snapshot of majority-committed data.

w: "majority"

  • Write concern w: "majority" returns acknowledgement after the commit has been applied to a majority (M) of voting members; i.e. the commit has been applied to the primary and (M-1) voting secondaries.
  • When you commit with w: "majority" write concern, transaction-level "majority" read concern guarantees that operations have read majority-committed data. For transactions on sharded clusters, this view of the majority-committed data is not synchronized across shards.
  • When you commit with w: "majority" write concern, transaction-level "snapshot" read concern guarantees that operations have from a synchronized snapshot of majority-committed data.
NOTE Regardless of the write concern specified for the transaction, the commit operation for a sharded cluster transaction includes some parts that use {w: "majority", j: true} write concern.