Engineering Levels at SoundCloudEngineering Roles at PalantirScaling Engineering Teams at TwitterScaling Decision-Making Across Teams at LinkedInScaling Data Science Team at GOJEKScaling Agile at ZalandoScaling Agile at bol.comLessons Learned from Scaling a Product Team at IntercomHiring, Managing, and Scaling Engineering Teams at TypeformScaling the Datagram Team at InstagramScaling the Design Team at FlexportTeam Model for Scaling a Design System at SalesforceBuilding Analytics Team (4 parts) at WishFrom 2 Founders to 1000 Employees at TransferwiseLessons Learned Growing a UX Team from 10 to 170 at AdobeFive Lessons from Scaling at PinterestApproach Engineering at VintedUsing Metrics to Improve the Development Process (and Coach People) at IndeedMistakes to Avoid while Creating an Internal Product at SkyscannerRACI (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed) at EtsyFour Pillars of Leading People (Empathy, Inspiration, Trust, Honesty) at ZalandoPair Programming at ShopifyDistributed Responsibility at AsanaRotating Engineers at ZalandoExperiment Idea Review at PinterestTech Migrations at SpotifyImproving Code Ownership at YelpAgile Code Base at eBayCode ReviewCode Review at PalantirCode Review at LINECode Reviews at MediumCode Review at LinkedInCode Review at DisneyCode Review at Netlify