Adam Manuel’s “Dev Blog”

Adam Manuel’s “Dev Blog”

“We have not allowed ourselves to comprehend what failure might mean for us, is it a comfort or a curse, the knowledge that we could have avoided all this.” - K. Flay

Blog Posts

Blog Posts of new things I’ve learned or discovered while developing
CommonJS →  Typescript Migration TipsCommonJS → Typescript Migration Tips🗣️Project Manag. Research Topics📑Laws of UX🖼️Creating SVG React Component with a single terminal command🖥️package.json “—help” CLI

Personal Notes

Includes Tutorials, Notes, and Walkthroughs
MongoDB OptimizationMongoDB Optimization💾12 Factor Application💼Domain-Oriented Microservice Architecture 🕸️Foundational Distributed Systems Papers📚Additional Distributed Systems Papers🤖Open Information Extraction and Open Relation Extraction Papers🕸️Knowledge Graph Tools🔥Optimal Fund Raising & Burning Rates


Link Hubs

Aggregated links that I have found useful while developing or studying.
🏎️Optimizing Performance🏢Building Engineering Organizations💽Big Data🤖Distributed Machine Learning🔒Distributed Locking🧊Stabilizing Systems


Blogs that I have found to be very high quality.


Tools that I have found invaluable while developing or studying.


Articles that I have found insightful while developing or studying.