Adam Manuel’s “Dev Blog”

Adam Manuel’s “Dev Blog”

“We have not allowed ourselves to comprehend what failure might mean for us, is it a comfort or a curse, the knowledge that we could have avoided all this.” - K. Flay

Blog Posts

Blog Posts of new things I’ve learned or discovered while developing
🤖Let ChatGPT Be Your Research Asst.❄️Addressing Data Sparsity and Cold Start in Deep Learning Recommenders📄Recommendation Engines Academic Paper Sources📝Refining Testing Strategies and PR Workflows for Scalable DevelopmentSpeed Up Your Job Hunt With This LinkedIn Scraper and Your System NotificationsSpeed Up Your Job Hunt With This LinkedIn Scraper and Your System NotificationsCommonJS →  Typescript Migration TipsCommonJS → Typescript Migration Tips🗣️Project Manag. Research Topics📑Laws of UX🖼️Creating SVG React Component with a single terminal command🖥️package.json “—help” CLI

Personal Notes

Includes Tutorials, Notes, and Walkthroughs
MongoDB OptimizationMongoDB Optimization💾12 Factor Application💼Domain-Oriented Microservice Architecture 🕸️Foundational Distributed Systems Papers📚Additional Distributed Systems Papers🤖Open Information Extraction and Open Relation Extraction Papers🕸️Knowledge Graph Tools🔥Optimal Fund Raising & Burning Rates


Link Hubs

Aggregated links that I have found useful while developing or studying.
🏎️Optimizing Performance🏢Building Engineering Organizations💽Big Data🤖Distributed Machine Learning🔒Distributed Locking🧊Stabilizing Systems


Blogs that I have found to be very high quality.


Tools that I have found invaluable while developing or studying.


Articles that I have found insightful while developing or studying.